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QuietComfort® 15 Acoustic Noise Cancelling® Headphones


I bought the Bose QuietComfort 15 Noise Cancelling Headphones about a month ago and am thoroughly impressed thus far.

Sound Quality: As odd as this may sound, I feel like I haven't ever listened to any of my songs! This headset completely revamps every song. You will hear things in some of your favorite songs you haven't heard before. As it says in the title, this is an acoustic headset so don't expect loud and powerful base. If you like a lot of base then this isn't the headset for you.

Noise Cancelling: I find that I can still hear people talking while I am on a plane but most of the background noise goes away. I would describe the sound as if you are underwater or plugging your ears, to give you an idea of the sound. When you play some light music in the background, all the people talking tend to dissappear. I take up anywhere from 50 to 100 flights in a year and now that I own a Bose headset, I couldn't imagine not having it with me.

Comfort: The headset is extremely comfortable with leather around the ear and the leather on the top of the headset. This makes it very comfortable for long periods of time. I used to use ear buds and found that my ears started to hurt after 30 minutes. The only thing I will mention is that your ears do get a bit hot a sweaty after a while so it is good to give them a breath of fresh air every hour or so.

Carrying Case: In this box comes with a carrying case to help protect your Bose headset. This was a huge selling feature for me because with all the travelling I do, I was worried about ruining my headset. This allows me to put the case in my bag and not have to worry that I am crushing it. Great addition Bose!

Cord: Although this headset isn't wireless, it has a detachable cord which I find very useful. If you don't want to listen to anything, don't attach the cord and you can relax with noise cancelling feature. If you do want to listen to music or watch a movie, attach the cord. Easy.

Batteries: The headset runs on (1) AAA battery which fits right into a nice location on the headset. I keep an extra AAA battery in my carrying case just in case it dies while I am travelling. I haven't had to replace the battery yet and I have used it for quite a few flights. I am very impressed with how long it lasts!

Airplane connector: Bose also included an airplane connector which some airlines still use. I haven't come across a time I have had to use this but it certainly is nice to have if I need it.

Downfalls: There isn't much I would change about the Bose QC 15 but the most important one would be that I can't listen to music if my battery is dead. Again this hasn't happened to me but if my battery were to die, I can't listen to music. You have to have the noise cancelling feature on to listen to anything. Other than that, there is nothing I would change.

Price: This headset is quite pricey so it isn't meant for the average person. There are other headsets that I would recommend. But if you are the type of person who travels a lot of find yourself in locations where the noise bothers you (ie train, bus, etc), this is the headset for you.

Well done Bose, you have turned my into a believer and I couldn't imagine travelling without my Quiet Comfort 15!
Date Added: 08/05/2011 by christopher adams
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